ULaity Missionary Baptist Church
ULaity Missionary Baptist Church
Follow us as we follow The LORD Jesus Christ.

Why us?
Why us?
We praise and glorify the LORD God Almighty, His Son LORD Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit!!! We believe in worshipping God and helping other people who are in need.
The members of ULaity Missionary Baptist Church, Incorporated are brothers and sisters who are striving daily to emulate Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We firmly believe in worshipping the LORD God Almighty and helping other people who are in need. Using the New King James Version of the Holy Bible as our spiritual reference, we study God's Word, and we strive to apply what we have learned to our daily walk with Christ. We realize we are extensions of Christ, and we will continue our Christian endeavors, with the intention of bringing glory to His name. We invite other people who desire to follow the teachings and ways of Christ to join us in our endeavors! Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.
Morning Worship Video Sermons: 11:00 a.m. every first and third Sundays.
Bible Study Sessions Through "Zoom": 1:00 p.m. every second and fourth Saturdays.
Community Outreach: We believe in helping other people who are in need.